♥ For the last five years, I've used essential oils to effectively heal my body...
A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste... I just spent the last half hour...
The Word of the Day Today is VALUE. So many people this week have come...
The Cycle of Human Suffering (pain, disease, trouble, problems) is Due to Karmic Debt. Karma...
Don't miss this Sat! Join Dr. Dante Sears and Eric Zuley for eZ Tak Live...
Vaccines Shed the Very Virus They Are Meant To Prevent, Infecting Others “Is it truly...
Dante Sears is featured on this month's cover of Soul Central Magazine. The issue, which covers...
How to Heal Your Body and Mind with Dante's Intervention - fast, natural, and simple....
How Deep Can You Go Into Trance? If there is a part of your mind...
Relax Your Mind so You Can Heal Your mind works much like a computer. Input...
Hypnosis, Meditation, and Relaxation for Pain Treatment Stress and pain are intimately related. When being...
Janet, a busy wife and mother of two, had acute nerve pains and genetic headaches....
In your last days, which things will you wish you'd done more of...? The worse...
We have all heard how stress is bad for you. Stress can keep you up at...
Western medicine says there are no cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. However,...
The first time I manifested money... I was exhilarated. From one week to the next...
How do you deal with the stress of your problems? Some people bottle their frustrations,...
Here's a quick math problem: 3 people live in a mansion. 1 young wife +...
Learn to Love Yourself - so you Live the Life You Desire Love Thy Self...
Attract Solutions to your problems. Imagine that the problem you've suffered with for a very...
Here's 5 ways to boost your marriage relationship: 1. Keep the lines of communication open. It...
Empowered. Inspired. That's how I feel every time I hear Christina Aguilera singing "The Voice...
Imagine how it feels to have everything you want -- right now Why don't you...
What You See is what You Get “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate....
Are You a Success -- or a Failure? Are you constantly reviewing your mistakes...
How do you view yourself? Are you a winner? Or a Loser? Most people think...
Most people question their true calling in life. Were you destined to be something that...
What do you say to motivate yourself? Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches us that if you are...
Thanks to Dante Sears Geyer's super hypnosis sessions, I no longer suffer the anxiety, panic...