Learn to Love Yourself – so you Live the Life You Desire

Love Thy Self is not just a biblical commandment, it’s an absolute necessity for a happy, healthy, successful life. Without Self Love, you are truly lost.  Lack of Self Love is the Reason you chose a career that you do not like, yet are afraid to change.   It’s the reason you keep arguing or fighting, even when you want peace and happiness.  Lack of Self love is the reason bad things keep happening to you;  it’s why you feel inadequate, unable to move forward, and helpless inside. Lack of self love breeds anger, fear, resentment, frustration, lack of motivation, procrastination, laziness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, abuse, neglect, manipulation, illness, disease,  and death. Without self love, the world is an ugly place for you, full of problems, disappointments, and regret.

With self love, you can achieve great things.  Love empowers you to make effective  choices, like being able to tell the difference between someone that cares about you – and someone that means to take advantage of you. It’s impossible to maintain healthy relationships without a tremendous amount of self-love and self-respect. When you love yourself, you can make better choices that will boost your ability to attract the things you want.  Loving yourself is the first step to achieving lasting Joy and Success. Loving yourself includes Knowing Yourself. When you Know and Love yourself, you make better choices.  When you love yourself, you won’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of, abused, or neglected.  With self-love, you feel loved, whole, complete, and confident – all by yourself.

How do I love myself…? You can start by using kind, positive words and affirmations when talking to yourself. You are amazing and beautiful – if only you would embrace it! Involve yourself in Betterment activities, like pampering yourself,  enriching your mind, taking up  a hobby, exploring your talents, reading a book, exercising, yoga,  or giving yourself a facial or manicure. Just by spending more quality time with yourself, alone, you are showing yourself love – which boosts self confidence and self esteem.  These are just a few examples of self-love techniques, but there are so many more.

What if you can’t love yourself?  If you have tried these tips and you still aren’t feeling the love, chances are, you have some deeper, unresolved issues that are blocking your ability to love yourself. The skewed way in which you view  yourself has lead you to devalue your own self.   Not to worry, it is all fixable, but you will likely need a life coach or clinical hypnosis therapy to change your way of thinking and resolve your the past.  In hypnosis, we call this Trance-formational life coaching, which is used to interrupt and reprogram brain function and thought patterns. Through  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Hypnosis, I can help you change your mind to Love Yourself.

If you are lacking in self-love and you want to be better, I urge you to attend my online seminar, Self-Love: A Healing Journey Within.

This Seminar is all about discovering “the real you”; shedding your heavy burdens and stepping forward into a life of peace, tranquility, excitement, and wonder. Together, we will uncover the You that you that’s been hiding in the background – that You – is about to shine.

Fall in Love with Yourself. During this webinar, you find yourself Smiling, Laughing, Crying tears of Joy,  Healing, possibly even Fist-pumping in Excitement,  Jumping Up and Down, and definitely Feeling the Love – like never before. Imagine the Freedom of Learning to Let Go –  Live Out Loud – in the Brave Boldness of Self Confidence and the Self-Assurance — Knowing you are Making the Right Choices for your life.

Join Us for this Relaxing, Healing, Invigorating Event.

Self-Love is the First Step to Igniting Your Personal Power through Self-Discovery and Inspiration.

Get Ready to Live out Loud ~ Bold Brave  and Beautiful  ~Be Happy Healthy and Successful with Self-Love!

Join Me for a Healing Journey of Self-Love, Joy,  and Inspiration

Self-Love: A Healing Journey Within

Love Yourself
You can Learn to love Yourself.

Date:   Saturday, December 7th, 2013

Time:  1:00 PM – 4:00 PM  Pacific Standard Time

Webinar Topics Include:

  • Self-talk – How to edit your language and thoughts for personal success
  • Program Your Mind – Positive Suggestions to install the idea a success in your mind
  • Get Out of Your Own Way – Identifying and Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Addictive Behaviors
  • Trauma Release Hypnosis – Heal the root cause of your frustrations
  • Discovering Love Within – Restore and Enhance the feeling of love within yourself
  • Finding Your Inner Child -Get in touch with the Real you and Heal
  • Manifest Destiny: Strategy for Love, Growth, Success, and Affirmations for programming the Subconscious Mind

Don’t Miss it!  This is Your Chance to End the Self Sabotage, Find Self, Love, and Learn how to Make Better Choices in your personal and professional life. It’s time to Face Your Fears with Dante Sears – and get Serious about your personal Success! 😀

This Event is sure to Sell out Fast!

Save 50% off  until 11/19/2013

Click here to Purchase your Ticket ———>  Self Love: A Healing Journey Within

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