Relax Your Mind so You Can Heal

Your mind works much like a computer.  Input = Output.

Whatever you download and install into your computer determines the performance you will get out of it.

The same goes for your mind.

Dante Sears Geyer, NLP Life Coach and Reiki Master Clinical Hypnotherpist

Prayer Pose helps calm your mind as you focus on Relaxation and Alignment.

The way you think determines the quality of your life.

The words, images, and language you utilize to describe yourself and others – as well as the world around you and any potential outcomes you encounter – will determine your circumstances, behavior, and ultimately, your fate.

The manner in which you describe your world and perceive things determines the expression of your soul energy; as expressed through your body language, words, vocal tonality, and actions.

This is problem “Numero Uno” (#1) when you are experiencing negative circumstances.  Changing your thoughts is the solution to any problem.

When you say “I cant”, you are telling your brain, “don’t bother trying”.  Also, you must understand that the unconscious mind – (which controls 80% of your behavior) filters out words like “can’t, don’t, and won’t”.  The mind creates a picture, sound, feeling, or scent -which is associated to your words (for faster processing) – to determine which action to take.  In other words:

Belief + Thoughts + Feelings = (Desired/Undesired) Behavior

The mind creates a  picture from the words you utilize in your thoughts and speech.  A feeling is then generated, based upon your (pre-existing) belief about that item, subject, or person and how you believe it should behave. In other words, when you thing “dog”, your mind envisions a dog, which results in whatever feeling you have about that particular species. This determination is influenced by your personal feelings as it pertains to your life experience, which is your own unique view-point or perspective.  This is why no one can determine truth for another, because what is true for one person may not be true according to the other’s life experiences.



How to Influence the Mind

If you have a racing mind and you want to sleep, you must not say “I can’t stop my mind from racing”, because such thought only tells your mind to do one thing: keep racing.  Therefore, to be effective, you must you must be accurate in the language you use to get your mind to calm down. It is better to think (and say to yourself), “I want my mind to calm down now. I’m going to Sleep now“.

Say it out loud while repeating it inwardly, “I want to slow down my mind so that I can sleep well (for 8 hours) and wake up well rested, positive, and alert”.

Of course, dimming the lights and slathering on (or bathing in) calming essential oils doesn’t hurt, either.

You can further aid your newly empowered state of mind by diffusing and applying 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils like doTERRA’s Serenity Oil Blend Lavender, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Rosemary, Frankincense, and Marjoram Oil(s), to name a few.  They really help calm the mind through the sense of smell, which is the gateway into your limbic system (a.k.a., the controller of your immune system, emotions, and influence upon brain activity).

 Buy  your doTERRA Essential Oils Here: 


Just to Recap

If you want to relax your mind, you must say, think, and picture you doing so. If you want to heal, you must first relax your mind.

The words, images, and feelings you associate with any certain circumstance, object, action, individual determines your behavior towards it.

If you want to relax, picture relaxation and what that sounds, smells, and feels like.  Surround yourself with relaxing images, sounds, and thoughts.

When you’re ready to get revved up and energetic, do the reverse – think about and talk about (pleasant) things that energize you.

Enjoy you new (relaxed) mindset!

Happy unThinking!

#HealYourself  #RelaxYourMind  #SubconsciousIntervention

#DanteSears #DantesIntervention