Total Self Recovery – Mind-Body Healing for Auto-Immune Disease and Terminal Diagnosis
Total Self Recovery (TSR) —
“The Miracle Worker”
The 90 Day Intensive Healing Program that Totally Rejuvenates Your Health and Well-Being – from the Inside Out –
Even if You’ve Been Diagnosed with Terminal, Incurable, Genetic, or Auto-Immune Disease.
Product Description
Total Self Recovery:
How to Beat Your Diagnosis without Drugs or Surgery.
Heal Yourself and Recover from Disease – Fast.
With Dante’s Intervention, you can eliminate the root case contributing to all types of cancer, genetic disease, health problems, auto-immune disease, incurable conditions, terminal illness, severe weight issues and many other medically challenging health problems.
Beat Your Diagnosis with Dr. Dante’s Total Self Recovery Program.
Personal Struggles take a toll on the body’s immune system – you may feel like you’re fighting a losing battle – or falling into an endless hole. You may have tried it all – from doctors to diets to pharmaceutical drugs, supplements, herbs, exercise, and remedies – all to no avail.
You may be living in fear, resentment, guilt, anger, regret, remorse, grief, or otherwise. These dangerous emotions are at the very root cause of your issue, however the actual cause is hidden much deeper within your subconscious mind – which is triggering the disease, tension, or symptoms contributing to negative health conditions.
Negative emotions are at the very root of all health problems.
They are very hazardous when trapped inside the body – where they can manifest into mental and physical illness, such as debilitating illness, terminal disease, chronic pain, disfigurement, loss of hearing or sight, clinical depression, and even addiction. The mind can create many challenges for the individual who is unaware of his own negative conditioning and behavioral programming.
Self-sabotage, stress, and malnutrition can make pesky things like addictions and diseases very hard to treat with ordinary therapy, because your willpower cannot yet support any long-term or dramatic lifestyle change – making recovery seemingly impossible and frustrating.
Psychotherapists, rehabilitation centers, and addiction therapists often find trouble in eliminating sub-persona behavior, which is rash, angry, sabotage behavior, mood swings, or other drastic, unhealthy behavior for a person that is under the influence of negative conditioning.
Negative conditioning is the result of child abuse, neglect, malnutrition, and other negative programming in childhood. These experiences leave an indelible mark upon your life, causing undue stress and negative reactions when triggered by certain life events and situations. These triggers are emotional scar tissue, stored unconsciously within the hippocampus (memory part of the brain), which will remain lifetime triggers until the emotional data is properly healed.
Total Self Recovery is an accelerated results-oriented mind-body integration healing system that targets unconsciously stored emotional triggers for permanent healing. Healing negative emotional data relieves the body of the HPA response (fight-or-flight syndrome), which then restores the immune system and signals the body to commence the healing process and return to homeostasis which is the state of the body in perfect health.
Dr. Danté’s unparalleled level of dedication to PsychoNeuroImmunological research keeps us on the cutting-edge of Alternative Healing.
TSR is a strategic blend of the world’s oldest and most effective healing techniques and sciences – blended with care – to deliver the most effective disease-healing treatment on the planet. We combine over 12 distinct healing arts and sciences to harmonize the mind, body and spirit – bringing about a feeling of newness, confidence, peace of mind, elevated self-esteem, renewed joy, love, and elevated prosperity. TSR clients don’t just live better — they live wellness.
Our philosophy for the Total Self Recovery Program was developed by ‘the great physician’, Hippocrates, who believed that “Powerful forces within us are the true healers of dis-ease”. His philosophy is the basis of our technique. Restore your mind-body health. Gain access to your personal power to achieve anything you desire to overcome.
Become the person you were meant to be — YOU.
Guaranteed results in present-day, super fast, lighting speed.
Designer scheduling and expedient results are standard in our Total Self Recovery Program.
Eliminate the root cause of any dis-ease within just a few sessions.
All Results come with Dante’s Iron-Clad Lifetime Guarantee.
You need only be ready and willing to receive Your Healing.
Lisa Martinez in Dallas, TX, was told by 3 doctors that she had 6 months left to live.
She suffered many compounded medical conditions, including Liver failure, Heart Arrhythmia, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. As Lisa prepared her children for their last Christmas together, she said her goodbyes and made peace with her past.With only 2 months left to live, Lisa signed up for Dante’s Beat Your Diagnosis Total Self Recovery program, after a celebrity friend suggested it. Due to Lisa’s health, our coaching sessions were all conducted by telephone. Lisa took the Intensive Healing Program. We plowed through 3 sessions in one day. We took a break for one month. Then, we had another 2 sessions – in one day. That was just last month.
We spoke with Lisa last night – and she immediately burst into tears of joy. She explained that her doctor had told her — today — that she only has 1 disease left — out of the 7 deadly diseases that she had in January, when she first started coaching with Dante.
“I am so thankful that I no longer have to take 5 bottles of pills every day”, she cried.
Lisa’s doctor actually told her that she’s SAD to see her go – because of how amazingly positive Lisa is and has become — but — the Rheumatoid Arthritis is almost healed, too. From dying with 7 diseases – to 85% healthy — in just a few months! Imagine when she finishes her program? Lisa is one of our walking miracles – just like you will be! She was brave enough to share her story.
Lisa hasn’t even finished her program yet — and yet, her life and career are blossoming — better than ever before.
*** Lisa Martinez is writing a book about her journey of healing to share her experience with others. She has requested we share her story with the world – so she can help save some lives —- like yours.
“Total Self Recovery is truly amazing.”
We are still learning of the mind’s boundless potential to heal and recreate life. We have found there to be very few limits (except the ones we place upon ourselves) – only possibilities.
If you have read this far, by now, you are showing commitment to change your life for the better. I want you to be another one of my success stories – like Lisa.
You were meant to shine.
The Process:
Investigation. Interview. Intervention.
(“I’m too old to ____”, “life sucks” “I’m not very smart”, “My Mom/Dad wasn’t Around”, etc.).
When we fix the psychological issues… you may find that… suddenly your entire body feels much better — even old injuries and chronic pains vanish — because many of these issues are psychologically inter-related. Seriously. That’s the beauty of this work. You – and others – will see, feel, and experience the miraculous effects in you and within your life — from the first session onwards.
“It feels as if someone took the “ceiling” off of your mind – allowing you to see clearly….and suddenly – you are capable – and life is beautiful again!”
2) Chronic Pain: Resolving conflict in the body and pain activity centers of the brain
Multiple Diagnosed Conditions, Lifelong Problems, and Previously Incurable Ailments are Targeted for Immediate Eradication,
such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Liver failure, Kidney failure, Injuries, and other Previously Incurable Conditions.
Natural, Safe, Pain-free, & Effective Metaphysical Healing
Based Upon Scientific Principles and Alternative Medicine
Our Total Self Recovery Program is based upon the Scientific principles of PsychoNeuroImmunology (PNI), a medical practice that is taught at UCLA’s Cousin’s Center for PsychoNeuroImmunology, and is changing the way Health Care is Administered. In clinical trials, PNI proves to be a valid metaphysical medical practice that finds, targets, and eliminates disease at its very source, making previously incurable, terminal, and genetic disease – a thing of the past.
With Total Self Recovery, Tension, Resistance, and Frustration is Immediately Dissolved.
With TSR, Your mind is Taught More Resourceful Methods to Mitigate Stress, and Answers Flow to You From Your Very Subconscious.
Total Self Recovery is not for headaches, minor injuries, and non-life threatening conditions,
which can be quickly reversed using our
30 Day Beat Your Diagnosis Program.
Total Self Recovery is for sufferers of multiple illnesses,
Life-Threatening Disease, Chronic Pain, and/or conditions such as
Lupus, Recurring Cancers, Terminal Disease, Auto-Immune Diseases like
Rheumatoid Arthritis, as well as Arthritis and Heart Disease.
Learn to Live Your Life with Ease and Well-Being.
All Programs Include Lifetime Guarantee
Package Includes:
12 Total Self Recovery Sessions
Featuring the Following Healing Modalities:
1. Neuro-Linguistic Programming –

2. Communication & Life Mastery Coaching –

3. Clinical Hypnotherapy –

4. Reiki Energy Healing–
5. Timeline Trauma Release Therapy – 
6. Aromatherapy –

12 Sessions – a $7400 Value – for Just $3495
90 Days Intensive Coaching Program
12 Life-Changing Sessions
Lifetime Guarantee
All of our work is Guaranteed for Life. Should your problem return (but it won’t), we’ll treat you again for free.
Many of Dante’s clients have healed a few lifetime problems – in as little as 1-4 sessions.
The Entire Total Self Recovery program is a Game-Changer;90 Days to a New You.
Additional Information
Intervention Type | Single Healing, Accelerated Healing, Intensive Healing, Critical Care, Crisis Intervention, Emergency Response, Executive Intervention, Celebrity Intervention |
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