How to Love Yourself and Unlock The Secret

of Manifesting the Law of Attraction

Unlock the Secret to Healing Yourself, Living with Confidence, and Activating the Law of Attraction within Your Life.

Loving Yourself is the Secret to a Happy Life.

Loving Yourself is the Secret to a Happy Life.

Are you tired of feeling unappreciated, unmotivated, unhealthy, and unworthy?

Learn how to Empower and Love Yourself – so you stop the arguments, pain, manipulation, pressure, and stress. Experience Personal Success.

  • Fall in Love with YOU
    • Gain Self-Esteem, Confidence, Freedom and Relaxation.
    • The First Step to SUCCESS
    • Learn to Love and be Loved

      • End the Battle within Yourself.
      • Learn to Make Better Choices.
    • Heal Your Mind + Body.
      •         Complimentary Alternative Medicine designed to RELAX your Mind + Body and Enable HEALING.
    • Learn How to Get Anything You Want
      •  Activate the Power of the Law Attraction within Your Life
    • Improve your Life: Mind, Body, Income, Relationships, Happiness, and Joy.
    • Align Your Mind, Body, and Spirit, so You Can FOCUS and Be More Effective
    • Create Perfect Opportunities for Success
      • Find the key to success
    • Gain the ultimate relationship & career advice    — straight from your subconscious.


Dear Friend;

Imagine that a Problem You’ve been struggling with for a very long time –  is now over.


It’s time to End the Battle Within Yourself.

You Need Real Results and Rapid Changes — and You Need them Now.

Learn How to Love Yourself and Attract What You Want — so You Can RELAX — Stop the Stress and Start Living. You Owe it to Yourself to Change.

Lack of Self Love is the Reason you keep arguing, even when you really want peace.

Lack of Self love is the reason you stay in a bad relationship.  Lack of Self Love is the reason you can’t lose weight, eat healthy,  or exercise.

Lack of self love is why you feel inadequate, unable to move forward, and helpless inside. Lack of self love breeds anger, shame, frustration, procrastination, depression, anxiety, mental disorders, low self-esteem, abuse, neglect, illness, disease, and delusions.

Lack of Self Love is a lack of Understanding What You Truly Want and Need

– it’s the reason you’re having trouble Manifesting the things you Want in Life.

With Self Love, you can Achieve Great Things.

Self Love empowers you to make better  choices, like choosing healthy relationships and accepting the challenges of great opportunities.

Learn how to Maintain Healthy Relationships and Improve Communication.

Gain Emotional Balance.

This Workshop is all about Healing, Building Self Confidence, and Discovering the Real You, the You that is Fighting to BE HEARD.  Together, we will uncover the parts of You that you’ve been neglecting – and strengthen them. The Real You is about to shine bright.

Attract Through Your Heart

Attract Through Your Heart

Fall in Love with Yourself. 

During this 8 session workshop, you’ll find yourself Smiling, Laughing, Crying tears of Joy,  Healing, Fist-pumping in Excitement,  Jumping Up and Down, and Feeling the Love – like never before.

Find Freedom – Learn to Let Go and Live Out Loud – in Brave Boldness of Knowing you are Making the Right Choices.

Find Yourself! Gain Inspiration, Motivation, Vitality, Confidence, Excitement, Zest for Life; Define your purpose, and Discover the Joy of Loving Your Self.

Find love, improve relationships, gain focus, boost efficiency, earn more, and become an all-around better person that Attracts Everything You Want.

Self-Love: A Healing Journey Within

– Unlock The Secret to Manifesting The Law of Attraction

All Purchases include:

  • 1 Detailed Personality Report – Discover the hidden nuances in your personality that determine your purpose, potential, career, health, and destiny.
  • 1 Personal Natal Chart – find out with Astrology signs affect your emotional, mental, behavioral, and love undertones.
  • 1 Relationship Compatibility Report and Consultation- uncover the hidden dynamics of your relationship – what attraction, conflicts, and potential.
  • 1 Transformational Personal Strategy Session with Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dante Sears Geyer  ($250 Value).
  • 1 Personal Astrology Assessment a healing consultation by Dante Sears Geyer, detailing your personality strengths, weaknesses, issues, emotional undertones,  obstacles, and career aptitude. Gain confidence, focus, and direction.
  • 1 Subscription Box of Self-Love Essential Oils – Love is a Vibration. Receive 3-4 Sampler Size doTERRA 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils to Enhance Your Coaching Experience and Deepen Your Transformation.

Contains 7 Layers of Natural Healing:

  • Hypnosis – medium to heavy trance for natural healing.
  • Reiki – the art of Natural Light Healing, used by Tibetan Monks and Jesus Christ.
  • NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming, editing the mind with language.
  • Guided Imagery – Healing work of the imagination.
  • Positive Affirmations – Words of Encouragement for your soul.
  • Strategic Suggestions – Implant a model for success.
  • Self Esteem Booster – Reclaim the Real You and Gain Confidence.
  • Joy Enhancement – Anchor yourself in happiness and joy.
  • Trauma Release – Heal the past so you can enjoy the present.

Topics Include:

  • Self-Talk – How  to use The Law of Attraction to edit your language and thoughts to get what you want.
  • Program Your Mind – Positive Suggestions and strategies for success.
  • Get Out of Your Own Way – Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Addictive Behaviors.
  • Conflict Resolution: Heal Your Body with Hypnosis and Reiki
  • Trauma Release Hypnosis – Heal the root cause of your frustrations through Hypnotherapy.
  • Discovering the Love Within – Restore and Enhance the feeling of love within yourself.
  • Activating Your Light Body – Self healing hypnotherapy for reduction of  pain and blockage: Reiki and Hypnosis strategy for deeper healing.
  • Finding Your Inner Child -Get in touch with the Real You and Heal your mind.
  • Manifest Destiny: Strategies for Love, Growth, Success, and Affirmations are programming the Subconscious Mind through imagery, hypnosis and NLP.
  • Q & A: Relationship Advice, Career Advice, and Wellness tips, Ask Coach Dante your question.

 This is Your Chance to End Self Sabotage, Find Self Love, Create Healthy Relationships, Learn to Make Better Choices, and Activate the Law of Attraction to create PERSONAL POWER within your Life.

You can Attract Everything You Want – and More with Self Love and an Understanding of the Law of Attraction.

Stop driving away people that love and care about you – and Start Living a life of Purpose, Potential, Prosperity, and Posterity.  Get Ready to Pay it Forward with Kindness, Love, and Attraction.

It’s time to Face Your Fears with Dante Sears.  Get Serious About your Success! ?

You missed The LIVE Online WEBINAR, which was packed 406 guests. 

Now you can attend this life-changing workshop Privately – in the comfort of your home 

– anytime you need to Reset and Rejuvenate Your Confidence

Sign up for This Life-Changing 1 Day Workshop  — Today.